Friday, December 26, 2008

Deploying R2 RTM in LAB

  • Update
    The setup in the old design isn't supported before Nortel will release MCM 4.0 for 64bit and x number of CS1000 5.5 patches, (release in Feb-Marts), I will instead use a gateway and a Q-SIG connection to CS1000.
    Remote Call Control will not be supported i the OCS R2 part of the lab.

  • *************************************************************************

  • Inspired by LCSKID R2 deployment information, I will post my LAB setup, I just got it up running, don’t know if it supported and I haven’t tested it fully. I can see that there is some issue in my configuration when looking at Snooper logs from my servers, when doing some call test.

  • The Nortel MCM application (32bit) running on OCS R1 proxy server is the part that I am not sure is supported in coexistent with R2. But as I see it this configuration will be real life scenarios when migrating from OCS R1 to OCS R2, you need some kind of side by side setup running.

  • I have heard some rumors about a new MCM 64bit version released when R2 is released.

In this setup I will test:

  • Remote Call Control

  • Dual forking

  • Enterprise Voice

  • Coexsitens R1 and R2 regarding to Voice

  • Exchange UM

When I know more about supported setup I will post more information.